DoctorMoxie – SaaS Doctors Chamber, Prescription & Appointment Software (With Zoom appointments)


How zoom live consultation works

  • Doctors create a zoom meeting for live consultations
  • Get the meeting’s id, password and save it in live consultation section settings
  • Patients will book an appointment for specific doctors and need to pay for online consultation using paypal/stripe
  • Doctors will start their meeting in zoom app just before the scheduled time
  • While patients tries joining in the live consultation, Doctors need to approve their requests
  • After approval, doctors will see the patient in live streaming video consultation
  • During the live video consultation, they can communicate with chat option in zoom
  • They can leave the meeting anytime after the finishing of the live consultation

Key Features:

  • Easy Integration & Customization
  • Standard secured & clean code
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • SEO Optimized & SEO-Friendly URL
  • Fronted website
  • Manage website with unlimited features & pages
  • Manage pricing packages & features
  • Pricing plan enable/disable with limit options
  • Manage Contact Messages
  • Manage Users
  • Manage FAQs
  • Manage Blogs with category
  • Cash flow chart reports
  • Net Incomes
  • reCaptcha enable / disable option
  • Email verification enable / disable option
  • Paypal payment enable / disable option
  • Stripe payment enable / disable option
  • Registration enable / disable option
  • Blogs enable / disable option
  • Users enable / disable option
  • Google Analytics
  • SMTP email with PHPMailer library
  • Google reCaptcha attached with (Register & Contacts forms with enable or disable option)
  • Advanced settings option
  • Admin, User, Staff & Patient panel
  • Multiuser & Multi staff options
  • Membership System with 3 packages
  • Paypal payment system
  • Stripe payment system
  • Create & manage chambers
  • Create & manage staffs
  • Create & manage patients
  • Create & manage diagnosis
  • Create & manage advises
  • Create & manage additional advises
  • Create & manage diagnosis tests
  • Create & manage drugs
  • Create & manage prescriptions
  • Create & manage appointments
  • Set schedule for appointments
  • Manage profile with education & experiences
  • Print prescriptions
  • Auto generate serial numbers for appointments
  • Date wise appointment serials
  • Ajax secure Authentication
  • Jquery Data tables & form validations
  • Sweetalert & toast notification with ajax
  • Detailed Documentation with commented code
  • Totally Secure System
  • Advanced Settings Options with Enable or Disable options

[video_popup url=”” img=””]

Additional information

Software Framework

CodeIgniter – PHP, MySQL, Native Android, Java

Hosting Space


Hosting Server

Cloud Linux

